A Glimpse into My Morning Meditation

Hello, dear readers and listeners. As we take a mid-season pause from Season 11 - The Art of Healing, I wanted to share something deeply personal with you that grounds me each day and brings a sense of calm, especially in moments when the world feels a bit heavy.

In my morning routine, I start with a meditation, a practice of stillness that helps me center myself before diving into the day’s activities. It’s a time when I quiet my mind, listen to the whispers of my heart, and connect with a more profound sense of purpose. At the core of this practice is a simple prayer that I repeat daily. It has become a touchstone, a reminder of what truly matters, and a way to align myself with love and healing.

I’d love to share this prayer with you, in the hope that it brings a bit of peace and reflection into your life too:

May I be a clear and present channel for love and healing. Illuminate my mind with clarity, fill my heart with the frequency of love, and open my soul to the gentle whispers of guidance for the highest benefit to all.

I find that these words help me step into my day with a spirit of openness, ready to receive whatever comes my way. It’s a way to set an intention for kindness, compassion, and presence in all that I do.

In our fast-paced lives, taking even a few moments to connect inwardly can make a difference. It’s an invitation to pause, breathe, and remember that we are all capable of being vessels of love and healing—for ourselves and for others.

As we take this brief pause from the podcast, I want to assure you that we’ll be back next week with the final episodes of this season. I’m incredibly excited about our guest lineup, diving deeper into The Art of Healing and exploring the transformative power of creativity, connection, and the healing arts.

Until then, I invite you to take a moment each day to find stillness, say a prayer, or simply breathe deeply. May this week bring you a sense of wonder in the possibilities ahead. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I can’t wait to share more soon.



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